The microblog: 2020.12.09 16:56:58

2020.12.09 16:56:58 (1336701382552813568) from Daniel J. Bernstein, replying to "Peter Todd (@peterktodd)" (1336670491751444480):

For example, reports that Australia over the past week has 1 local case, under investigation, and 69 quarantined-traveler cases. (25M population. 10M tests in 2020.) A good starting point to get the big picture of many countries is


2020.12.09 14:07:49 (1336658813672325128) from Daniel J. Bernstein:

TCP (without BBR etc.) constantly accelerates communication, straining buffers, until news of packet drops triggers temporary deceleration. The U.S. handles COVID-19 by constantly accelerating interaction, straining hospitals, until news of deaths triggers temporary deceleration.

2020.12.09 14:13:25 (1336660222195027971) from Daniel J. Bernstein:

What happens when some TCP connections stop loading the network? The remaining connections speed up to keep straining buffers. Packets drop. When some people are vaccinated against COVID-19, will the U.S. respond by accelerating interaction to maintain hospital strain and deaths?

2020.12.09 14:35:46 (1336665846693818370) from Daniel J. Bernstein:

BBR reacts faster to problems. It aims, with high success, for zero strain on buffers and zero dropped packets. It can use the network even better than alternatives. One country after another has successfully eradicated COVID-19 cases; the U.S. reacts with ignorance and denial.

2020.12.09 14:54:14 (1336670491751444480) from "Peter Todd (@peterktodd)":

> One country after another has successfully eradicated COVID-19 cases; the U.S. reacts with ignorance and denial. Which countries?