The microblog: 2012.02.08 15:06:24

2012.02.08 15:06:24 (167247912156401664) from Daniel J. Bernstein, replying to "Paulo Barreto (@pbarreto)" (166942577810083840):

@pbarreto @aumasson Are you saying that brute force isn't an attack? Or that improved brute force (if new etc.) isn't an improved attack?


2012.02.07 18:53:06 (166942577810083840) from "Paulo Barreto (@pbarreto)", replying to "JP Aumasson (@veorq)" (166935646726914049):

@aumasson To be honest, I'm getting tired of this whole biclique thing. It's no more than (very contrived) brute force.