The microblog: 2012.06.05 21:32:48

2012.06.05 21:32:48 (210091823912333314) from Daniel J. Bernstein, replying to "Matthew Green (@matthew_d_green)" (209751956661612544):

@matthew_d_green @hyperelliptic @mtibouchi Do we have critical mass of Crypto attendees who plan to skip most of the Crypto talks?


2012.06.04 22:40:51 (209746561817776128) from Daniel J. Bernstein, replying to "Matthew Green (@matthew_d_green)" (209293640105869313):

The real Crypto program: the rump session! Plus the sunshine, the dorms, the strawberries, the late-night chats. @matthew_d_green @mtibouchi

2012.06.04 22:48:25 (209748465461370880) from "Matthew Green (@matthew_d_green)":

@hashbreaker @mtibouchi Are you still giving your 'applied crypto seminars' outside the conference?

2012.06.04 22:59:42 (209751301993676800) from "Tanja Lange (@hyperelliptic)", replying to "Matthew Green (@matthew_d_green)" (209748465461370880):

@matthew_d_green @hashbreaker @mtibouchi Maybe; still digesting the list of papers. Interested?

2012.06.04 23:02:18 (209751956661612544) from "Matthew Green (@matthew_d_green)", replying to "Tanja Lange (@hyperelliptic)" (209751301993676800):

@hyperelliptic @hashbreaker @mtibouchi It would be a deciding factor in my decision to attend (not kidding!).