The microblog: 2012.09.10 17:55:18

2012.09.10 17:55:18 (245188709769682945) from Daniel J. Bernstein, replying to "Paul Crowley (@ciphergoth)" (245070162276016128):

@ciphergoth @cryptojedi It's full Salsa20/20. The ECRYPT recommendation says 12 rounds are enough but I'm more conservative.


2012.09.10 09:44:27 (245065184832524288) from Daniel J. Bernstein:

Cortex A8 cycles/byte, side-channel protected: AES=18.94 (OpenSSL: 25, unprotected!), Salsa20=5.47. Code w/@cryptojedi, online in SUPERCOP.

2012.09.10 10:04:14 (245070162276016128) from "Paul Crowley (@ciphergoth)":

@hashbreaker @cryptojedi Is that Salsa20/20 or Salsa20/12? Latter is ECrypt recommendation, right?