The microblog: 2012.10.10 15:06:23

2012.10.10 15:06:23 (256017835694899201) from Daniel J. Bernstein, replying to "Matthew Green (@matthew_d_green)" (256015191907651584):

@matthew_d_green @hyperelliptic Most of the patent claims are limited to a specific, silly, method. The other claims have clear prior art.


2012.10.10 14:52:44 (256014403370098690) from Daniel J. Bernstein:

Looked more closely. The specific patented method is actually a big step backwards from 2000 Schoenmakers. @hyperelliptic @matthew_d_green

2012.10.10 14:55:52 (256015191907651584) from "Matthew Green (@matthew_d_green)":

@hashbreaker @hyperelliptic Step backward != non-infringing though.