The microblog: 2013.01.01 21:56:48

2013.01.01 21:56:48 (286214415836135424) from Daniel J. Bernstein, replying to "Tonimir Kisasondi (@kisasondi)" (286207176492597248):

@kisasondi The PDF-producing script has too many rough edges: e.g., it needs overlay indicators as specials in the DVI input.


2012.12.29 22:40:09 (285138159153594369) from "Tonimir Kisasondi (@kisasondi)":

@hashbreaker What is the system you use for your slides? The one that has two halves? Anything special, beamer or...

2013.01.01 15:29:34 (286116961698603008) from Daniel J. Bernstein, replying to "Tonimir Kisasondi (@kisasondi)" (285138159153594369):

@kisasondi Originally, two physical transparency projectors; then many adjacent xdvi windows on a big virtual screen; now a PDF imitation...

2013.01.01 21:28:03 (286207176492597248) from "Tonimir Kisasondi (@kisasondi)":

@hashbreaker The PDF imitation, you build it from script, beamer? If it is something scriptable, would you mind sharing it?