The microblog: 2013.01.18 11:40:51

2013.01.18 11:40:51 (292220000377376768) from Daniel J. Bernstein, replying to "Matthew Green (@matthew_d_green)" (291879426185125890):

@matthew_d_green Users encrypting more than 2^70 bits need to consult the official documentation. :-)


2013.01.17 06:12:27 (291774964502237184) from "Matthew Green (@matthew_d_green)":

@hashbreaker Is Salsa20's maximum output length 2^70 bits (per ECRYPT) or 2^70 bytes (per spec)? We have some long messages here...

2013.01.17 11:30:40 (291855049741721600) from Daniel J. Bernstein, replying to "Matthew Green (@matthew_d_green)" (291774964502237184):

@matthew_d_green There's a 64-bit block counter, with 512 bits of output per block. That's 2^70 bytes.

2013.01.17 13:07:32 (291879426185125890) from "Matthew Green (@matthew_d_green)":

@hashbreaker Sure. So is this a typo or is Salsa20/r different?