The microblog: 2015.05.12 12:44:19

2015.05.12 12:44:19 (598076230437568512) from Daniel J. Bernstein:

Listening to a "big data"/"data science" talk. Mentally translating "data" to "surveillance": "... everything starts with surveillance ..."

2015.05.12 12:46:02 (598076663012990976) from Daniel J. Bernstein:

"... We need to process the surveillance, store the surveillance. The last step is surveillance analytics for our stakeholders. ..."

2015.05.12 13:00:16 (598080245456076800) from Daniel J. Bernstein:

"Philips medical devices collect various surveillance... more than 15% of the surveillance is in different languages... machine translation"

2015.05.12 13:02:27 (598080794469490688) from Daniel J. Bernstein:

"The surveillance scientists from Philips Research are working together with people from health care... live surveillance-stream collection"