The microblog: 2018.05.22 17:27:10

2018.05.22 17:27:10 (998948392242958336) from Daniel J. Bernstein, replying to "Alex Biryukov (@alexcryptan)" (998900804420554752):

Are you able to run inside a Xen VM (or multiple Xen VMs), not touching dom0? For example, are you developing on EC2? The first whibox code depended on VirtualBox, and in my sysadmin's hat I much prefer Xen.


2018.05.22 14:18:05 (998900804420554752) from "Alex Biryukov (@alexcryptan)":

There seems to be quite some interest in the 2nd WhiteBox competition but we need someone to run the server. @CryptoExperts @cryptopathe @veorq @hashbreaker @esizkur